Project information

  • Category: REST Api Development
  • .Net Core Version: 6
  • Project date: 01 August, 2022
  • Project URL: Github

RapidPay API (Coding Challenge)

This is a coding challenge.You’ll need to develop a RESTful API.The API will include two modules:

  • - Card Management
  • - Payment Fees Module
The card management module includes three API endpoints:
  • - Create card (card format is 15 digits)
  • - Pay (using the created card, and update balance)
  • - Get card balance
Payment fee module features
Every hour, the Universal Fees Exchange (UFE) randomly selects a decimal between 0 and 2. The new fee price is the last fee amount multiplied by the recent random decimal. You should develop a Singleton to simulate the UFE service and the fee should be applied to every payment